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时间:2020-06-28 14:36  阅读:1



Guizhou Qianhe special recommendation: old dream of Nanxiang 



艺术品规格:长约:327cm   宽约:64.5cm    

Art No.: qhxjp20059

Artwork Name: old dream of Nanxiang

Artwork specification: length: 327cm, width: 64.5cm

艺术品简介:    此幅《南乡旧梦图》所绘的是一卷“江南民国风情录”,画面向我们展示的是百年之前的江南水乡小镇超越时空的生活场景,在构图上取北宋全景式大山大水的布局特征,视野开阔清旷,境界宏大,疏密对比强烈。所绘河道、石矶、树木、楼阁、市井等等,笔墨均精丽艳逸,骨力峭劲,人物刻画得生动而富有神采。图中设色浓丽明雅,勾勒、皴染细密。屋宇楼阁鳞次栉比,依次排叠,造成了云气迷蒙的幽远空间,展现出世俗喧腾而又虚幻飘渺的人间仙境氛围。画中人物是主体部分,画家马晋老师通过色彩衬托的方法使人物非常突出,物刻画和景物描绘上。仔细品赏玩味,其乐无穷!具有很大的观赏价值和收藏价值。  

 Introduction to art:This picture of the old dream of Nanxiang depicts a volume of "records of Jiangnan and the Republic of China". The picture shows us the life scene of Jiangnan Water Town beyond time and space a hundred years ago. In the composition, it takes the layout characteristics of the panoramic mountains and waters of the Northern Song Dynasty, with a broad vision, a grand realm and a strong contrast between density and density. The painting of river course, rock, trees, pavilions, marketplace and so on are all exquisite, beautiful and elegant, with sharp and strong bone strength, and the characters are vividly and vividly depicted. In the picture, the colors are rich, bright and elegant, sketched, chapped and dyed. The buildings and pavilions are arranged one after another, which creates the remote space with clouded air and reveals the earthly, noisy and illusory fairyland atmosphere. The figure is the main part of the painting. The painter Ma Jin makes the figure very prominent through the method of color foil, which is on the description of things and scenery. Enjoy carefully and have fun! It has great ornamental value and collection value.


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州乾禾艺术品特别推荐!More boutique exhibition, Please pay attention to Guizhou Qianhe art special recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:TF002C
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