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时间:2020-01-13 11:02



Recommendation of ancient international products in Guizhou: Glass meteorite



Collection No.: pmxjp19289

Collection name: Glass meteorite

Collection specification: weight: 1232.6g




 此玻璃陨石通体呈黑色,油亮且有光泽,布满致密的小气泡,外部有融壳,融壳上有流纹, 外部和融壳下有时会产生大的气印。质地上乘,是难得的稀世珍品,它对天文的研究和探索有着 重大的意义,更具有极大的收藏价值。重约1232.6g,不规则形状,熔壳在阳光下闪耀着耀眼光芒,非常珍贵,具有很高科研、观赏和考古价值。玻璃陨石在地球上有一定的陨落区,每个陨落区中的玻璃陨石,代表了一次天体陨落事件,历史性、科研价值极高!

Brief introduction of the collection: Glass meteorite is the product of the liquid cooled melted during the falling process of some meteorite. The mother rocks of glass meteorites are light green and black. Therefore, the falling of glass meteorites is carried out together with the mother rocks.

Glass meteorite is a semitransparent vitrinite with weak magnetism. Its color is dark green, green, light green, brown, brown, dark brown and rare cinnabar. The specific gravity is about 2.6 to 3.0. Glass meteorite is formed at high altitude, high temperature, high pressure and high speed, so it has obvious formation characteristics: high purity inside, no impurities, the whole body is full of small dense bubbles, the outside has melting shell, there are flow lines on the melting shell, and sometimes there are big gas marks on the outside and under the melting shell.

Because glass meteorites are liquid bodies in the process of falling, they will be decomposed into smaller mass bodies at high speed, so there is no glass meteorite of great mass objectively, but it may be larger mass body when it falls with parent rock.

The whole glass meteorite is black, shiny and glossy, full of small dense bubbles, with a melting shell on the outside, with flow lines on the melting shell, and sometimes there are large air marks on the outside and under the melting shell. High quality is a rare rare treasure, which is of great significance to the research and exploration of astronomy and has great collection value. It weighs about 1232.6g and has irregular shape. The melting shell shines bright in the sun. It is very precious and has high scientific research, ornamental and archaeological value. Glass meteorites in the earth have a certain number of falling areas. The glass meteorites in each falling area represent a celestial falling event, which is of great historical and scientific value!


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州上古国际精品推荐!More boutique exhibition, please pay attention to Guizhou ancient international boutique recommendation!

来源: 科创新闻网 责任编辑:企投新闻网
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Recommendation of ancient international products in Guizhou: Glass meteorite



Collection No.: pmxjp19289

Collection name: Glass meteorite

Collection specification: weight: 1232.6g




 此玻璃陨石通体呈黑色,油亮且有光泽,布满致密的小气泡,外部有融壳,融壳上有流纹, 外部和融壳下有时会产生大的气印。质地上乘,是难得的稀世珍品,它对天文的研究和探索有着 重大的意义,更具有极大的收藏价值。重约1232.6g,不规则形状,熔壳在阳光下闪耀着耀眼光芒,非常珍贵,具有很高科研、观赏和考古价值。玻璃陨石在地球上有一定的陨落区,每个陨落区中的玻璃陨石,代表了一次天体陨落事件,历史性、科研价值极高!

Brief introduction of the collection: Glass meteorite is the product of the liquid cooled melted during the falling process of some meteorite. The mother rocks of glass meteorites are light green and black. Therefore, the falling of glass meteorites is carried out together with the mother rocks.

Glass meteorite is a semitransparent vitrinite with weak magnetism. Its color is dark green, green, light green, brown, brown, dark brown and rare cinnabar. The specific gravity is about 2.6 to 3.0. Glass meteorite is formed at high altitude, high temperature, high pressure and high speed, so it has obvious formation characteristics: high purity inside, no impurities, the whole body is full of small dense bubbles, the outside has melting shell, there are flow lines on the melting shell, and sometimes there are big gas marks on the outside and under the melting shell.

Because glass meteorites are liquid bodies in the process of falling, they will be decomposed into smaller mass bodies at high speed, so there is no glass meteorite of great mass objectively, but it may be larger mass body when it falls with parent rock.

The whole glass meteorite is black, shiny and glossy, full of small dense bubbles, with a melting shell on the outside, with flow lines on the melting shell, and sometimes there are large air marks on the outside and under the melting shell. High quality is a rare rare treasure, which is of great significance to the research and exploration of astronomy and has great collection value. It weighs about 1232.6g and has irregular shape. The melting shell shines bright in the sun. It is very precious and has high scientific research, ornamental and archaeological value. Glass meteorites in the earth have a certain number of falling areas. The glass meteorites in each falling area represent a celestial falling event, which is of great historical and scientific value!


更多精品展示,敬请关注贵州上古国际精品推荐!More boutique exhibition, please pay attention to Guizhou ancient international boutique recommendation!

关键词:贵州上古国际精品推荐:玻璃陨石 编辑:环球快讯网
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